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Adeo Group
Adeo owns different brands in retail industry focused on home improvement and DIY markets, like Leroy Merlin.
tl;dr just go and have a look atfull production-used AsyncAPI document
Cost Component Repository product, part of the ADEO tech products, is used to calculate and publish transfer prices between different internal locations globally. Different business units use different information systems. It is hard to learn how each business unit shares information about its systems, API and accuracy.
The initial solution was a developer portal with a list of all applications and reference to dedicated documentation. Some legacy systems had docs written in MS Excel.
There was a need for a standart way of describing event-driven architecture.
The API is now described with AsyncAPI. The AsyncAPI file, stored with the source code, generates HTML documentation in the same release pipeline for the product. Documentation is exposed internally as part of the product for other company units depending on the API.
Payloads are described with Avro schema. These schemas generate models and are referenced directly in AsyncAPI files thanks to the schemaFormat
feature and $ref
. This way, they make sure the code is aligned with the docs.
Shift to using AsyncAPI also enables the team to implement more use cases using AsyncAPI files.
Use Case
Document the API of the product, so its users know how it works and how to use it. AsyncAPI was selected as the standard that allows you to generate documentation from a machine-readable document that describes the API. The goal was to document API in a standardized way, so other internal products could follow to unify how APIs are documented across the company.
More Details
Testing strategy
Approach to code generation
Java models generation. Avro schemas used as a source.
The following enterprise integration patterns are applied:
- Request/Reply
Described with
field in AsyncAPI. Reply goes to dedicated reply channel. Example description of response channel:1description: > 2This topic is used to REPLY Costing Requests and is targeted by the 3`REPLY_TOPIC` header.
- Return Address
Info that needs to be provided by the client so producer knows where to send a response. Information is sent in the message header with the
property. The AsyncAPI file documents information as part of the Message Header object. Example of request message header withREPLY_TOPIC
:1headers: 2 type: object 3 required: 4 - REPLY_TOPIC 5 properties: 6 REPLY_TOPIC: 7 $ref: "#/components/schemas/ReplyTopic"
- Correlation Identifier
This pattern enables the identification of the request given to the sent response. The
property is in the request message header. TheCORRELATION_ID
property is in the response message header. Both headers are described in the AsyncAPI Message Header object and referred to in the AsyncAPIcorrelationID
property. This means that correlation identifier is represented by different property in the message header, depending if it is a request or reply. Example of request message header withREQUEST_ID
:Example of how1headers: 2 type: object 3 required: 4 - REQUEST_ID 5 properties: 6 REQUEST_ID: 7 $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequestId"
points toREQUEST_ID
:1correlationId: 2 description: > 3 This correlation ID is used for message tracing and messages 4 correlation. 5 This correlation ID is generated at runtime based on the `REQUEST_ID` 6 and sent to the RESPONSE message. 7 location: $message.header#/REQUEST_ID
- DeadLetter Channel Also known as Dead Letter Queue. In Kafka, it is just another channel where undelivered messages are sent. Not part of the AsyncAPI file, as API consumers will not listen to this channel. Consumers know what happens with wrong events.
- Invalid Message Channel Invalid messages are routed to the dedicated channel for rejected requests but are not part of the AsyncAPI file, as API consumers will not listen to this channel. Consumers know what happens with wrong events.
More Details about AsyncAPI
How AsyncAPI documents are stored
Git repository where source code is.
Where maintainers edit AsyncAPI documents
IntelliJ without any special plugins. Sometimes people use AsyncAPI Studio, but not regularly because of lack of support for references to local drive.
What extensions are used
Extensions are used to describe details about custom security:
1 x-sasl.jaas.config: >-
2 org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required
3 username="<CLUSTER_API_KEY>" password="<CLUSTER_API_SECRET>";
4 x-security.protocol: SASL_SSL
5 x-ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm: https
6 x-sasl.mechanism: PLAIN
How documentation is generated
Documentation generated from AsyncAPI is hosted as part of the product on a dedicated endpoint using Spring controller. Publishing is part of the CI/CD pipeline for the product using GithubActions.
Related Maven configuration used to trigger docs generation with AsyncAPI Generator industry:
1 <profile>
2 <id>generate-asyncapi-doc</id>
3 <build>
4 <plugins>
5 <plugin>
6 <groupId>com.github.eirslett</groupId>
7 <artifactId>frontend-maven-plugin</artifactId>
8 <!-- Use the latest released version:
9 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin/ -->
10 <version>${frontend-maven-plugin.version}</version>
11 <configuration>
12 <nodeVersion>v12.18.4</nodeVersion>
13 <installDirectory>${node.installation.path}</installDirectory>
14 <workingDirectory>${node.installation.path}</workingDirectory>
15 </configuration>
16 <executions>
17 <execution>
18 <id>install node and npm</id>
19 <goals>
20 <goal>install-node-and-npm</goal>
21 </goals>
22 <phase>generate-resources</phase>
23 </execution>
24 <execution>
25 <id>install @asyncapi/generator globally</id>
26 <goals>
27 <goal>npm</goal>
28 </goals>
29 <configuration>
30 <arguments>install @asyncapi/generator@${asyncapi.generator.version}</arguments>
31 </configuration>
32 </execution>
33 </executions>
34 </plugin>
35 <plugin>
36 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
37 <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
38 <version>1.6.0</version>
40 <executions>
41 <execution>
42 <id>execute-generation</id>
43 <goals>
44 <goal>exec</goal>
45 </goals>
46 <phase>generate-resources</phase>
48 <configuration>
49 <!-- Access binary file in node_modules because it doesn't work on windows otherwise. -->
50 <executable>${node.modules.installation.path}/${ag.binary.name}</executable>
51 <commandlineArgs>
52 ${project.basedir}/src/docs/asyncapi/asyncapi.yaml @asyncapi/html-template@${asyncapi.htmltemplate.version} -p sidebarOrganization=byTags -p
53 version=${project.version} -o ${asyncapi.generation.dir}
54 </commandlineArgs>
55 </configuration>
56 </execution>
57 </executions>
58 </plugin>
59 <plugin>
60 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
61 <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
62 <executions>
63 <execution>
64 <id>copy-resources</id>
65 <!-- here the phase you need -->
66 <phase>generate-resources</phase>
67 <goals>
68 <goal>copy-resources</goal>
69 </goals>
70 <configuration>
71 <outputDirectory>${asyncapi.generation.dir}/assets</outputDirectory>
72 <resources>
73 <resource>
74 <directory>src/docs/asyncapi/assets</directory>
75 <filtering>true</filtering>
76 </resource>
77 </resources>
78 </configuration>
79 </execution>
80 </executions>
81 </plugin>
82 </plugins>
83 </build>
84 </profile>
Critical features of AsyncAPI related to documentation:
- use of
parameter in the generator command to display the release version from theMaven
pom descriptions
that supportCommonMark
(Markdown) as they allow to put detailed structured descriptions and screenshots inside generated docs- examples and validation information. In this case converted from Avro to JSON Schema to show it in documentation and have examples generated
for tagging operations to categorize them to make it easier to navigate in documentation UI
What bindings are used
All Kafka bindings are used. Server, channel, operation and message bindings.
Example of server bindings:
2 kafka:
3 schema.registry.url: >-
4 https://schema-registry.prod.url/
Example of channel bindings:
2 kafka:
3 replicas: 3
4 partitions: 3
5 cleanup.policy: delete
6 retention.ms: 7 days
Example of operation bindings:
2 kafka:
3 groupId:
4 type: string
5 description: >
6 The groupId must be prefixed by your `svc` account, deliver by the
7 Adeo Kafka team.
8 This `svc` must have the write access to the topic.
9 value.subject.name.strategy:
10 type: string
11 description: >
12 We use the RecordNameStrategy to infer the messages schema.
13 Use
14 `value.subject.name.strategy=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy`
15 in your producer configuration.
Example of message bindings:
2 kafka:
3 key:
4 $ref: "https://asyncapi.com/resources/casestudies/adeo/CostingResponseKey.avsc"
What tools are used
- AsyncAPI Generator:
- HTML Template with parameters like
- HTML Template with parameters like
- AsyncAPI JavaScript Parser with Avro Schema Parser.
Storage strategy
Git repository where source code is. During release they are published to Confluent Schema Registry.
Schema Registry
Confluent Schema Registry.
Versioning of schemas
Versioning is based on git tags. The schema version pushed to Confluent Schema Registry
matches the git tag version of the product. Every schema has a version
that matches with product tag version.
Example Avro schema with version information:
2 "namespace": "com.adeo.casestudy.costingrequest",
3 "type": "record",
4 "name": "CostingRequestPayload",
5 "version": "1.1.0",
6 "fields": [ ... ]
Validation of message schemas
Based on validation using Confluent Schema Registry.
Additional Resources
Watch this video presentation about AsyncAPI case study from Ludovic Dussart, Ineat & Antoine Delequeuche, Adeo.
Production-use AsyncAPI document
1asyncapi: 2.4.0
3 title: Adeo AsyncAPI Case Study
4 version: "%REPLACED_BY_MAVEN%"
5 description: >
6 This Adeo specification illustrates how ADEO uses AsyncAPI to document some of their exchanges.
7 contact:
8 name: AsyncAPI Community
9 email: case-study@asyncapi.com
11 production:
12 url: "prod.url:9092"
13 protocol: kafka
14 description: Kafka PRODUCTION cluster
15 security:
16 - sasl-ssl: []
17 bindings:
18 kafka:
19 schema.registry.url: >-
20 https://schema-registry.prod.url/
21 staging:
22 url: "staging.url:9092"
23 protocol: kafka
24 description: Kafka STAGING cluster for `uat` and `preprod` environments
25 security:
26 - sasl-ssl: []
27 bindings:
28 kafka:
29 schema.registry.url: >-
30 https://schema-registry.staging.url/
31 dev:
32 url: "dev.url:9092"
33 protocol: kafka
34 description: Kafka DEV cluster for `dev` and `sit` environments
35 security:
36 - sasl-ssl: []
37 bindings:
38 kafka:
39 schema.registry.url: >-
40 https://schema-registry.dev.url/
42 - name: costing
43 description: "Costing channels, used by Costing clients."
45 "adeo-{env}-case-study-COSTING-REQUEST-{version}":
46 description: >
47 Use this topic to do a Costing Request to Costing product.
48 We use the
49 [**RecordNameStrategy**](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/schema-registry/serdes-develop/index.html#subject-name-strategy)
50 to infer the messages schema.
51 You have to define `value.subject.name.strategy` to
52 `io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy` in your
53 producer to use the schema we manage.
54 The schema below illustrates how Costing Request messages are
55 handled.
57 parameters:
58 env:
59 $ref: "#/components/parameters/Env"
60 version:
61 $ref: "#/components/parameters/Version"
62 bindings:
63 kafka:
64 replicas: 3
65 partitions: 3
66 cleanup.policy: delete
67 retention.ms: 7 days
68 publish:
69 operationId: requestCosting
70 summary: |
71 [COSTING] Request one or more Costing calculation for any product
72 description: >
73 You can try a costing request using our [Conduktor producer
74 template](https://conduktor.url)
75 tags:
76 - name: costing
77 message:
78 oneOf:
79 - $ref: "#/components/messages/costingRequestV1"
80 bindings:
81 kafka:
82 groupId:
83 type: string
84 description: >
85 The groupId must be prefixed by your `svc` account, deliver by the
86 Adeo Kafka team.
87 This `svc` must have the write access to the topic.
88 value.subject.name.strategy:
89 type: string
90 description: >
91 We use the RecordNameStrategy to infer the messages schema.
92 Use
93 `value.subject.name.strategy=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy`
94 in your producer configuration.
95 "adeo-{env}-case-study-COSTING-RESPONSE-{version}":
96 description: >
97 This topic is used to REPLY Costing Requests and is targeted by the
98 `REPLY_TOPIC` header.
99 **You must grant PUBLISH access to our `svc-ccr-app` service account.**.
100 We use the
101 [**RecordNameStrategy**](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/schema-registry/serdes-develop/index.html#subject-name-strategy)
102 to infer the messages schema.
103 You have to define `key.subject.name.strategy` and
104 `value.subject.name.strategy` to
105 `io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy` in your
106 consumer.
107 The schema below illustrates how Costing Response messages are
108 handled.
110 parameters:
111 env:
112 $ref: "#/components/parameters/Env"
113 version:
114 $ref: "#/components/parameters/Version"
115 bindings:
116 kafka:
117 groupId:
118 type: string
119 description: >
120 The groupId must be prefixed by your `svc` account, deliver by the
121 Adeo Kafka team.
122 This `svc` must have the read access to the topic.
123 key.subject.name.strategy:
124 type: string
125 description: >
126 We use the RecordNameStrategy to infer the messages schema.
127 Use
128 `key.subject.name.strategy=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy`
129 in your consumer configuration.
130 value.subject.name.strategy:
131 type: string
132 description: >
133 We use the RecordNameStrategy to infer the messages schema.
134 Use
135 `value.subject.name.strategy=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.subject.RecordNameStrategy`
136 in your consumer configuration.
137 subscribe:
138 operationId: getCostingResponse
139 summary: >
140 [COSTING] Get the costing responses matching an initial Costing
141 Request.
142 tags:
143 - name: costing
144 message:
145 $ref: "#/components/messages/costingResponse"
147 correlationIds:
148 costingCorrelationId:
149 description: >
150 This correlation ID is used for message tracing and messages
151 correlation.
152 This correlation ID is generated at runtime based on the `REQUEST_ID`
153 and sent to the RESPONSE message.
154 location: $message.header#/REQUEST_ID
155 messages:
156 costingRequestV1:
157 name: CostingRequestV1
158 title: Costing Request V1
159 summary: Costing Request V1 inputs.
160 tags:
161 - name: costing
162 schemaFormat: application/vnd.apache.avro;version=1.9.0
163 correlationId:
164 $ref: "#/components/correlationIds/costingCorrelationId"
165 headers:
166 type: object
167 required:
172 properties:
174 $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequestId"
176 $ref: "#/components/schemas/ReplyTopic"
178 $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequesterId"
180 $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequesterCode"
181 payload:
182 $ref: "https://asyncapi.com/resources/casestudies/adeo/CostingRequestPayload.avsc"
183 costingResponse:
184 name: CostingResponse
185 title: Costing Response
186 summary: Costing Response ouputs.
187 tags:
188 - name: costing
189 description: >
190 Please refer to the `CostingResponseKey.avsc` schema, available on [our
191 github
192 project](https://github.url/).
193 schemaFormat: application/vnd.apache.avro;version=1.9.0
194 correlationId:
195 $ref: "#/components/correlationIds/costingCorrelationId"
196 headers:
197 type: object
198 properties:
200 $ref: "#/components/schemas/MessageId"
202 $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorrelationId"
204 type: string
205 format: date-time
206 description: Timestamp of the costing request
208 type: string
209 format: date-time
210 description: Technical timestamp for the costing calculation
211 bindings:
212 kafka:
213 key:
214 $ref: "https://asyncapi.com/resources/casestudies/adeo/CostingResponseKey.avsc"
215 payload:
216 $ref: "https://asyncapi.com/resources/casestudies/adeo/CostingResponsePayload.avsc"
217 schemas:
218 RequesterId:
219 type: string
220 description: The Costing requester service account used to produce costing request.
221 example: svc-ecollect-app
222 RequesterCode:
223 type: string
224 description: >-
225 The Costing requester code (generally the BU Code). The requester code
226 is useful to get the dedicated context (tenant).
227 example: 1
228 MessageId:
229 type: string
230 format: uuid
231 description: A unique Message ID.
232 example: 1fa6ef40-8f47-40a8-8cf6-f8607d0066ef
233 RequestId:
234 type: string
235 format: uuid
236 description: >-
237 A unique Request ID needed to define a `CORRELATION_ID` for exchanges,
238 which will be sent back in the Costing Responses.
239 example: 1fa6ef40-8f47-40a8-8cf6-f8607d0066ef
240 CorrelationId:
241 type: string
242 format: uuid
243 description: >-
244 A unique Correlation ID defined from the `REQUEST_ID` or the
245 `MESSAGE_ID` provided in the Costing Request.
246 example: 1fa6ef40-8f47-40a8-8cf6-f8607d0066ef
247 BuCode:
248 type: string
249 description: The Business Unit code for which data are applicable.
250 example: 1
251 ReplyTopic:
252 type: string
253 description: >
254 The Kafka topic where to send the Costing Response. This is required for
255 the [Return Address EIP
256 pattern](https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/patterns/messaging/ReturnAddress.html).
257 **You must grant WRITE access to our `svc-ccr-app` service account.**
258 example: adeo-case-study-COSTING-RESPONSE-V1
259 ErrorStep:
260 type: string
261 description: |
262 The woker that has thrown the error.
263 example: EXPOSE_RESULT
264 ErrorMessage:
265 type: string
266 description: |
267 The error message describing the error.
268 example: Error message
269 ErrorCode:
270 type: string
271 description: |
272 The error code.
274 parameters:
275 Env:
276 description: Adeo Kafka Environement for messages publications.
277 schema:
278 type: string
279 enum:
280 - dev
281 - sit
282 - uat1
283 - preprod
284 - prod
285 Version:
286 description: the topic version you want to use
287 schema:
288 type: string
289 example: V1
290 default: V1
291 securitySchemes:
292 sasl-ssl:
293 type: plain
294 x-sasl.jaas.config: >-
295 org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required
296 username="<CLUSTER_API_KEY>" password="<CLUSTER_API_SECRET>";
297 x-security.protocol: SASL_SSL
298 x-ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm: https
299 x-sasl.mechanism: PLAIN
300 description: >
301 Use [SASL authentication with SSL
302 encryption](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/security/security_tutorial.html#configure-clients)
303 to connect to the ADEO Broker.